Tirsdag 7. november 2006 kl. 19.30 på Syddansk Universitet i Odense, auditorium U100.

Pens. major  Niels Ole Favrholt  
Et dansk krypto-eventyr:

Historien om opfinderen Alexis Køhl


A Danish engineer, Alexis Køhl (1846–1920), invented a number of cryptographic systems between 1876 and 1919. Some of these systems were simple, others were more complicated machine systems. Few of Køhls systems were ever used. One system was used to some extent in the Nordic countries, but generally Køhl felt that his “genius” was not properly recognized. There were no sensational cryptographic innovations in his systems, but some of them were quite smartly implemented. His first machine systems made use of some of the earliest mechanical typewriters. All his life Køhl claimed that his systems were unbreakable. He never made the fortune that he thought he deserved.

Tidsskriftet Cryptologica (Klik på Free Sample copy)
N.O.Favrholts artikel om Alexis Køhl (pdf)
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